Bringing your kitten Home

Your Breeder should discuss and offer advice on what to expect when you take your new kitten or cat home but here are a few hints and tips.

Bringing your kitten home

  • Check your home for hazards e.g. wires, plastic bags, dustbins, toilets, poisons including some house plants/flowers and if you have an open fire chimney
  • Try to ensure it is reasonably quiet until kitten gets used to its unusual surroundings
  • Ensure children (and adults) do not over handle
  • Keep kitten in a reasonably small area until it finds the food supply and water supply. Do not put these side by side. Be warned Siberian kittens love to play with water
  • Cats are naturally clean so it is important to ensure litter trays are checked twice a day and solids removed. If you want to move the tray to elsewhere in the house it is better to introduce a second tray and remove the original one only when the kitten is using the new tray
  • Introduce other cats carefully. Older cats may take a while to accept a new arrival and should be treated sympathetically
  • Cats like to look out of windows so make sure they are closed or fitted with window guards
  • Scratch posts and climbing frames help to exercise their claws. If they do try to climb curtains or scratch furniture it is best to give a loud sharp noise and remove from the offence firmly but fairly.


  • Ensure there is fresh water available at all times
  • DO NOT give your cat cow's milk. It is not good for them and it will make them loose.
  • Care shoudl be taken in hot weather particularly with fresh foods
  • An electric water fountain encourages cats to drink but Siberians love a paddle
  • Once the kitten is neutered/spayed there is a need to watch its weight. Siberians take up to 5 years to mature and are big hefty cats. Please don't let an uniformed vet tell you its getting fat.  They do tend to get heavier in the winter, this is a breed trait.  If they're allowed to graze then they should not overeat.


  • Groom at least once a week. If you start this as a kitten it makes life easier. Be sure to groom the awkward bit between the front and back legs. You will need a slicker brush and a comb with fairly wide teeth.  They usually cast their coat in spring so this is a good time to groom more frequently.
  • Nail clipping is an idea if you think scrathcing is a problem. Care must be taken not to cut too low and damage the Quick as this is very painful
  • If your cat/kitten does make a mess of its 'trousers' the easiest way is to dust with talc , let it dry and then brush the mess away using a slicker or comb.